We found the PERFECT donuts. 

Move over Krispy Kreme, cause these handmade Japanese donuts from Haritts Donuts +  Coffee are here to steal the limelight!

While Haritts Donuts + Coffee currently has a small menu of 9 donuts including a local flavour, Kaya, they have special daily flavours as well!

During our visit, their special flavour of the day was Taro (also known as Yam).

These donuts are baked in small batches daily so you know you’re getting the freshest donuts rather than ones that are sitting on the shelves the whole day!

We managed to get our hands on several flavours but sadly, the Original flavour (which is one of the most popular ones) was sold out at that time.

The other crowd favourite, the CREAM CHEESE donuts, were sold out as well! Luckily, a new batch was being made and were almost done so we got to try that out! Yay!

The first donut we had was the Taro donut.

They were thick, pillowy and fluffy, and when you bit into them, they had a slightly chewy texture that was really delightful!

Sadly, the amount of Taro filling piped into the donuts was very little and therefore hard to taste.  The sweetness of the sugary coating dominated. Nevertheless, it was still yummy.

We then tried their Chocolate Banana donut.

Hidden inside the fluffy layers was of course, a banana slice coated with dark chocolate filling. You can never go wrong with Banana Chocolate combination.

Next, we were really excited to try the Matcha Donut with Red Bean filling!

Compared to the Taro Donut, the Red Bean filling for this one was REALLY generous. It had the perfect touch of sweetness and went along really well with the light Matcha Donut bun.

Even a non Matcha lover will enjoy this donut as it isn’t too bitter (like typical Matcha flavoured desserts).

And FINALLY, the long awaited star of the show! The Cream Cheese Donut!

As the donut had just been taken out of the oven, it was really warm and a delight to sink our teeth into.

Compared to other Cream Cheese desserts, these donuts were surprisingly not jelak. It was not too sweet and a treat that you can see yourself finishing and wanting another piece!

If you are keen to get your hands on these yummy treats, be sure to head down early as there are only 350 donuts available a day! You can pair these donuts with drink – they have a wide range of coffee options on their menu.

Also, remember to use FavePay for an additional 10% cashback!

Haritts Donuts + Coffee

2 Havelock Rd, #01-08, Singapore 059763

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