In the spirit of Deepavali, we’ve gathered some Beauty secrets that Indian women (and men) swear by! Here are 5 of them:

1. Tumeric is your skin’s best friend!

Source: Pinterest

It’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to fight acne, reduce dark spots and bring out your skin’s natural glow.

2. DIY eyeliner using charcoal

Source: Pinterest

Ran out of eyeliner? No problem, use charcoal!
Simply mix 1/2 tsp of activated charcoal powder with a few drops of coconut oil, let sit for 5 min then apply. It’s natural, easy to do and stays in place all day.

3. Coconut oil is liquid gold for your hair

Source: Pinterest

Warm up some extra virgin coconut oil, massage into the scalp and hair, let sit for 30 mins and wash. Coconut oil has vitamins that help your hair grow longer, thicker and faster!

4. Gram flour is perfect for a face scrub

Source: Pinterest

It acts as a natural exfoliant that’s gentle on the skin. Simply mix gram flour with some milk to make a paste and scrub away!

5. Neem is an all-rounder

Source: Pinterest

Neem also has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and is moisturising. It’s great for the skin to fight acne, dry skin and ageing and amazing for the hair to fight dandruff.

Try these out and let us know if they work for you!